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  • I do have some shinies that I don't want, do you want them? :)
    It was really awkward lol, and that does sound funny lol
    I have got loads of shinies lol
    Yep, but I cried after because I really thought he existed and that Christmas it was really awkward when I was opening my presents because I usually thank Santa but I found out he doesn't exist. Lol
    Why do you pretend you believe in him aha?
    Cool! I want to get Pokemon X to pokeradar for shinies!
    Well I actually caught my mum packing my sack and she told me he doesn't exist so I guess he doesn't xD
    I stopped believing when I was like 10, so a long time ago lol
    I'm asking for a new phone (iPhone 5s gold) hhd, Pokemon X, a new phone case and some little stocking fillers aha
    Do you believe in Santa? (I don't aha)
    Yesss ikr I slept in until like 9am and them went on here
    Cool! I don't really have much planned today, just going on here lol. And probs food shopping, so boring ugghhhh
    yeah.. x.x i mean, i love sleep but im always so tired?? ???? OTL
    ye it was, but funny imo. ohh o: okay c: i'm gonna play sims w/o cc though for now c: i'll consider it o:
    u kno i hope this sim creator is easy otherwise my sim is gonna look like a potato. a literal potato.

    lmao the sims is 24% downloaded currently, its taking so long 0: understandable tho bc it's abig game.
    ah o: ye. thats me every morning lmao
    yee. i just wont be making an owl slide lmao c: can you go back and redesign your sim? like. if you've made a sim w/o cc in the sims, and later you want to add cc is that possible? o.o' yeah, i may do the culinary job bc food
    lmao that'd be kinda creepy. not planning on my sim to have kids or get married hahaha cba with that stuff she got a life to live bro
    IKR. so tired tbh i didnt get any sleep last night lmaoo OTL
    ok c: can't wait for designing a house o: it looks so fun. and my sim, but idk if that'll be easy or nah. not sure if I should do the culinary job like dil on d+p games bc it looks quite fun tbh or another one which is writer o:
    lookin 4ward 2 it
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