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  • lol
    ye o: I went for dinner and then when I came back i was logged out (idk it probably logged me out or something bc i was idle) so i didn't get anything, oh well. there's at least more restocks o:

    also i thought of a fantastic idea for my acnl copy. you know how I was thinking of cycling? well instead, what about a cataloging service (if ppl still catalog items, idk if they do). all i'd need to do is start a new town, catalog a load of stuff (or as much as i can) and yeah. but idk, it may then defeat the purpose of retail anyway..
    :v D <----------------me

    (v^._.^)><------------- my cat trying to catch a light on the wall
    I want to get a cupcake! :)
    I don't know if I'm being dumb lol but what does buddy lookout mean? Sorry I'm dumb aha
    I will definitely be there, I am not missing this!
    But it's in 3 hours I can't waaaaiiiiit D:
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