Mimi Cheems Nov 2, 2015 seksc? noot relly lmao i just showed dis giy a nife bcose he woldnt stoop mesing weth me
Mimi Cheems Nov 2, 2015 hi-- i'm somewhat busy atm-- im doing loads of schoolwork-- but im multi-tasking since im on the forums too XD
hi-- i'm somewhat busy atm-- im doing loads of schoolwork-- but im multi-tasking since im on the forums too XD
S S sej Oct 31, 2015 Cool! (Also if I get voodoo doll it's for yoouuuuuu ) I would love to spam on the woods, but I don't know what to put xD
Cool! (Also if I get voodoo doll it's for yoouuuuuu ) I would love to spam on the woods, but I don't know what to put xD
S S sej Oct 31, 2015 What do u want to get? Also, I love reading through all the woods post, loads of spam xD
S S sej Oct 31, 2015 So do I! It's going to be a big one, so I think you will! I want to get 2 pumpkin cakes and maybe a voodoo doll
So do I! It's going to be a big one, so I think you will! I want to get 2 pumpkin cakes and maybe a voodoo doll