Prime Feb 26, 2015 3 hours from now is good for me, it could be even longer since I got that west coast power.
RhinoK Feb 25, 2015 I don't get on along with Captain Falcons hehe, I have to make good use of his zoning skills though
Amilee Feb 24, 2015 he is the next week at his parents house and his internet is too bad for streaming :/ but he could record the matches and upload them! c:
he is the next week at his parents house and his internet is too bad for streaming :/ but he could record the matches and upload them! c:
Temari Feb 23, 2015 Hi Okasan! You're inbox is full, so I thought I'd let you know that I won my match against SuperPenguin. Thanks!
Hi Okasan! You're inbox is full, so I thought I'd let you know that I won my match against SuperPenguin. Thanks!
Prime Feb 23, 2015 Sent her one message and a FR with no reply yet. She's barely been on for some reason or another. (sickness according to MintSwift)
Sent her one message and a FR with no reply yet. She's barely been on for some reason or another. (sickness according to MintSwift)