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  • i think rollins is gonna cash in
    i hope rollins is gonna cash in
    i'm ready as *** for the future

    and lucky man i was supposed to go to this monday's hype af Raw in LA but things came up :(
    make sure you wear a rad shirt and bring a sweet sign!

    tell em to beat you at sm4sh for that network info lul
    I think she'll be back sooner rather than later.
    Maybe WM to try to screw Cena?
    That'd be gold haha.
    The crowd obviously loves her, dem "We want Lana!" chants.

    I can't wait for WrestleMania dude.
    I'm pretty excited.
    Just a little more excited than last year.
    Last year I was only excited about the Daniel Bryan stuff tbh.

    But this year we got: Cena v Rusev, HHH vs Sting, da ladder match, Lesnar v Reigns(match will probably stink but Lesnar tearing it up in his potentially last match and dat crowd, Undertaker v Wyatt, and match of the night callin it now, Rollins v Orton!
    haha it's not smackdown footy
    it's just post wrestlemania crowd footy i'm getting hype early

    I didn't watch smackdown tonight boss but there was an intercontinental gauntlet match with the ladder match participants and i heard it was super hype
    it's all good dude
    i could tell because of all the raptor boosting in that one match haha
    fun games though it's always good playing ya
    i feel like you make me a bit better each time :')

    plus i need all the experience against falcons i could get
    and marth too bc one knocked me out of tourney 4 today rip
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