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  • My brother (Dra Machi) says that's fine. Add KaPawAronoele when you are ready.
    Our parents don't allow him to have a NNID, so he has to use mine.
    He's currently playing some demo game on the U so I'll let him know when you're ready :3
    Friendly reminder that Round 2/Loser's Bracket Round 1 of the Smash Tourney 6with my woes has started and matches are due Monday 8pm PST aka after RAW. Get it dun bud.
    that rest!
    I don't play on the legal stages pretty much... no at all, in fact
    I usually just stick to omegas
    Yeah, save me so many times!I gotta say i kinda think you deserved that win, sorry :( but it was pretty close either way, and that's nice of you to do, stay safe :) i don't have anyone else to practice with other than cpu which destroy me on level 9 ;-; so if you'd like to have a match message me and i'd love to :D
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