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  • Nice! I am super excited to see him tomorrow, even though he's playing at one of the worst venues possible. Totally worth it though.
    Woah I dont face too many marths as good as yours! :p
    But once I learned how to read your marth, i got ya>:p
    Woah I play a mean toon link! i havent played him since last year, but I used him a lot in brawl so i had a good feel to him and projectile projectile is how i know he works. I never used meta knight this game and hardly last, omg i was strugglin :p
    Actually I might be a bit late since something came up today. ah man first time all week somethings come up. But probably before 9pm your time I can fight
    Hey how long after 2 will ya be available? :O
    I might be available around that time but I usually wake up pretty late x.x
    Hey I can battle in 30 man. :p Saw your post, sorry a bit late but I''ll be on! Just woke up so eating and stuff first P:
    Good news fam.
    Looks like Boidoh will be a no-show for his match so I'm subbing you in!
    GRATEFUL DEAD GIEF they're one of my fav 60s/70s bands

    sounds cool though. i might get into town if i get a somewhat cheap ticket
    yeaah man i hope i can get something, need more oldie psych stuff D:

    have fun at work though i need to get new bus tickets and they are damn expensive
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