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  • is damn good. all my headache crap seems to be gone and is in a good mood for once.

    and damn i need cash it's record store day tomorrow
    Mm I don't think I'll be able to play until 9 or 10

    Will you be available then? :lemon:

    don't expect much of a fight lel
    Ok, thanks! I'll probably go for a 3:rd party one, unless I can find the real deal really cheap :)
    Ok, see ya then! (btw you have to tell me how the pro controller works, I might buy one as I don't like the gamepad)
    It should go up between 4 and 6pm BST Friday. - Unless something happens like Jambette moves out and putting her back kills all the dandelion puffs like last time. =.=;
    I may have to debate deer are the best villagers though. :p But I already had a deer town and the frogs are adorable.
    It's a slippery slope, I knew you could get into the river already, but when I saw someone post a pic with bamboo in their river I knew I had to throw everything possible (including animals!) in the river and make something of it. It does come out so beautifully. o:
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