S S Strawberryllama Mar 18, 2018 I'll can trade for the next few hours, but if you're not online then we can trade tomorrow.
carissa.caitlin Mar 18, 2018 yep, it was !! i'll send the tbt rn, let me know when you're ready for me to open my gates^^
HoleInOneLuigi Mar 17, 2018 I'm awake! Thank you for offering the sloppy closet! Let me know when you're ready!
jazz_lovely Mar 16, 2018 Gates are open! I'll be away for a few minutes. Just drop the items whenever you're ready.
K K KnoxUK Mar 16, 2018 Yep I've opened my gate though I'll be AFK for a bit. Hopefully you can visit without issue. Please let me know when you've doped it off Oh also I have Gannon at the campsite so feel free to use him as well.
Yep I've opened my gate though I'll be AFK for a bit. Hopefully you can visit without issue. Please let me know when you've doped it off Oh also I have Gannon at the campsite so feel free to use him as well.
K K KnoxUK Mar 15, 2018 Ah ok, well I'll try and stay up for a bit, but over here its 1am :S If we can't trade now, then come back on at 1pm eastern time. I'd finish my class and would be back at home for sure.
Ah ok, well I'll try and stay up for a bit, but over here its 1am :S If we can't trade now, then come back on at 1pm eastern time. I'd finish my class and would be back at home for sure.
K K KnoxUK Mar 15, 2018 Heya i'm online and my gates are open Town: Hatsburg Name: Brendan I'm going to be AFK so I'll leave my 3DS on. Let me know when you've dropped it off and I'd happily pay you the 5 TBT
Heya i'm online and my gates are open Town: Hatsburg Name: Brendan I'm going to be AFK so I'll leave my 3DS on. Let me know when you've dropped it off and I'd happily pay you the 5 TBT
E E erikaflower Mar 14, 2018 Hi!! My gates are open, come over whenever youre ready. Thanks again! <3
E E erikaflower Mar 14, 2018 Haha that would be great. Thank you so much. Let me know when you are ready.