E E erikaflower Mar 14, 2018 OMG! I just realized something, this whole time I was looking for a silver axe to cut down trees for the mushroom attracting stumps.. Do you have a silver axe by any chance? I can pay you again for the mess up
OMG! I just realized something, this whole time I was looking for a silver axe to cut down trees for the mushroom attracting stumps.. Do you have a silver axe by any chance? I can pay you again for the mess up
E E erikaflower Mar 14, 2018 No problem! I'll give you 5 tbt, also I just changed my friend code and I'm about to add you right now. Thanks so much.
No problem! I'll give you 5 tbt, also I just changed my friend code and I'm about to add you right now. Thanks so much.
A A AndroGhostX Mar 13, 2018 Sorry I am on my way! I didn't see your town open but it is showing up now ^.^
A A AndroGhostX Mar 13, 2018 Yeah sure I can add those items to your order~ I'll be on at that time then ^.^
A A AndroGhostX Mar 11, 2018 Hey what's your town name and character so I know when you are open? I'll be on the gates open list waiting for you~
Hey what's your town name and character so I know when you are open? I'll be on the gates open list waiting for you~
HoleInOneLuigi Mar 3, 2018 Whoops, forgot to like your post. I got the painting you want, I'll be waiting for you to open your gate if you still have me added.
Whoops, forgot to like your post. I got the painting you want, I'll be waiting for you to open your gate if you still have me added.
HoleInOneLuigi Mar 2, 2018 You still have me added right? If not be sure to add my friend code again.
HoleInOneLuigi Mar 2, 2018 Unfortunately the scenic painting and great statue have been taken, do you still want the others?