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  • I got it at the garden store from my friend. :s We forgot to add as best friends again tonight! >.<
    Hi c: Yes I'll add you! My FC is 4570-7537-5702. I can play tomorrow since right now my internet is being dumb:/
    What fruit do you have in your town? o: I'll come visit sometime. x)
    Also, soon I should be able to decide if my town is more active at night. :D
    That's fine, there's nothing to do here anyways. x) I'll try and get you some oranges. :p We have to add as best friends too so I don't have to ask here if you want to meet up. :)
    Did you want to meet up tonight? :) I'll have my gate open around 9:00pm if you're playing then. ^^
    FC update! 3239-3161-8220 I got my bundle early, please delete my old FC. :) Name should be Nami as always.
    I added your FC already, here's mine: 1461-6573-2972 :D You can add me on Skype too, if you have it: kebabh4x ^^
    Hey there, I added you on 3DS like a few days ago, but you didn't repsond! Hope you have space :)

    FC: 2234-7247-7531
    Hey, i have added you. If you have space left and want to add me back that would be cool ^^ Hope i can see you on NL sometime :D
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