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  • Haha, okay xD I still have another year, then I'll have infinite summer vacation ;P
    That was fun, but it will get even better when I unlock more stores x) I still need to see your path design :p I'm on almost every night x) Are you done school yet?
    Yeah, I wanted a new layout. x) I think I found the perfect map for me. :)

    That's cool, I need to see it sometime. ;P I'm trying to make a good path that only requires 1 tile design. :s
    Oh! You used to play Tinierme as well? I used to be Ichigo-Senpai on there! It's weird because i really didn't care when the site announced their closing (i got bored of it after a while and logged into it once in a while only to talk to some of my friends on there.) , but nowdays i get lots of strange, random dreams concerning Tinierme.
    wait sorry I'm going to close my gates real quick. I'll open again in like 3 minutes!
    Sorry about leaving so soon yesterday. If we can do the trade today for the dresser, I'd appreciate it. ^^;
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