mintellect Jul 23, 2015 Oh, I'm not resetting my main town! I'm resetting another one. Maybe afterwards.
MayorGong Jul 22, 2015 Hello! She payed me before picking the villager. Maybe she was TTing or starting a new town (she commented it in my threat) and she took like 10 minutes to come and pick Lucky. Maybe she was busy or I dont know ;; , but Thank you for the warning
Hello! She payed me before picking the villager. Maybe she was TTing or starting a new town (she commented it in my threat) and she took like 10 minutes to come and pick Lucky. Maybe she was busy or I dont know ;; , but Thank you for the warning
mintellect Jul 21, 2015 Hi! I'd love to give you it, but I'm plot resetting right now. Maybe tomorrow, or today if I'm lucky.
Hi! I'd love to give you it, but I'm plot resetting right now. Maybe tomorrow, or today if I'm lucky.
Earthboundfan#1 Jul 12, 2015 I have refunded the User as you were offline and didn't reply.... Sigh... I have made an auction if your interested.
I have refunded the User as you were offline and didn't reply.... Sigh... I have made an auction if your interested.
Earthboundfan#1 Jul 12, 2015 Hello, the previous user has paid for you to have Molly! Please add this friend code and come get her. Fc: 1435-7157-8656. ^^
Hello, the previous user has paid for you to have Molly! Please add this friend code and come get her. Fc: 1435-7157-8656. ^^