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  • We haven't been yet xD But we are going later on, and I bet it's going to be fun c:

    Yeah, I feel awful cause someone paid 12 mil for me to get her Dx
    You're clearly going insane as a result of your lack of sleep. Go to sleep now, before there's permanent damages to you.
    You're clearly going insane as a result of your lack of sleep. Go to sleep now, before there's permanent damages to you.
    Toboganning is sledging c: Thank you ^-^

    My DS died and my charger broke and I had 10 villagers, it took my 3-4 days to get a new one so someone was bound to move out Dx
    Thanks, for choosing to be my friend. I'm honored to be friends with such an amazing person here on TBT. You and Bluebird are so much alike. I can see how you two are such close friends. Everyone love Bluebird <3
    But I'm sure everyone loves Cou too o:
    I do :3

    I'm surprised you remembered me, I must've done something memorable for you o:
    I'm glad I did whatever I did, you deserve it.
    I want to become a big part of you and Bluebird's friendship, usually helping is one of my favorite ways of getting to know someone. I love going out of my way to do things for others, even irl :3
    Aww, no problemo >.<
    I love winter break <3 I'm going ice skating and toboganning tomorrow <3
    It was my birthday on the 20th and I got a Fauna plush ^u^ For Christmas I got a sewing machine and a fluffy unicorn (the one from Despicable me, aha) and more <3

    On the bad side of things, Merengue moved out on me without notice.

    Thank you, you too ^u^
    It's fine!!! ouo I was sleeping by the time you sent the 5:45PM message I think, so definitely not slowing me down ouo XD
    Okay, it's fine ! o: I'll hold him in boxes again for you and wait 'till you come online :) <3
    Aww Thanks for that message, it made me feel special <3
    I try my best to help whoever I can, just helping one is good enough. But I feel that if I can't help everyone, I'm a failure. I tend to disappoint a few, because I'm not able to help everyone. Thanks for offering your support, but there's nothing I need ^_^ All I want from you, is your friendship :3
    I didn't know that you went to my chat:

    Someone as appreciable as you is definitely one special friend. I appreciate every moment I have, talking to you. I want to thank you, by helping you with anything you need. If you have an requests, don't be afraid to ask me <3
    Nicoooole, I kind of need you on asap to collect Octavian ><'' Sorry, no rush, I just want to carry on cycling out villagers o: You aren't slowing me down, I have plenty of time still ^^
    Octavian is being held (TTed back a day *w*) and is still in boxes, I am currently derping around in dream addresses, so you are not slowing me down ^^ but little grumpy squid needs a home ouo
    I'll get on NL and hold Octavian for you asap, just need to shower first ouo (only just woke up hahah) :3
    Aha o: Okay :3
    Okay! ^_^
    Logging off TBT now, I'll be on NL for about, 20 something more minutes? x)
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