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  • Haha, yeah Dx Hmm... I can give you hybrid pairs to breed for your town, if you like? ^_^ (I have thousands, one whole beach dedicated to hybrids =n=)
    Haha :3 Yeah, I TTed back to April =n= At the moment i'm 2 days away from the present c;
    o: Okay, don't worry about it ^_^
    My town was a mess when I was putting my first paths down, so don't worry haha.
    Would you like to come shop at my town after? I have T&T Emporium o: ^^
    I seen ur message on some ones thread,do you have regal astro and patchwork avalible

    I'll pay for it
    Can also,give you art set
    Okay. Is there any chance I can come to your town afterwards? You have Kabuki, and i'm thinking about adding him to my dreamies o: ^^
    Aw thank you <3 I hope you had a merry Christmas too :3
    I am was feeling better and then got sick again D; I am now almost good from this horrible cold that has made my nose turn red from all the nose blowing xD it FRIGGEN HURTS!
    I keep slathering cream over my nose and above my mouth and it looks like I have snot there lol
    That's fine. c: It's too early for me to go to bed anyways so I'll just leave my gate open~
    Thanks for the message, just getting a message from you means a lot to me. A lot of people love me on TBT, I guess my lack of Santa business lately made everyone think about me. I missed yew too <3
    I love all my friends here on TBT, and will always support them wen they need me ^_^

    Merry Christmas to you too, I hope you had a good one <33
    I'm always here on TBT, just not posting or helping others. I only help those who message me now. I've been busy and away from ACNL, all I can do is share my items with everyone for now :3

    Cou ^_^
    Ah ><'' Sorry, I couldn't be on later yesterday night o: Perhaps some time today? (again not sure because relatives are coming over again xD)
    Okay ^_^ Thank you, Cou! ^_^!
    Yeah o: We should x] (I am CoffeeAddict by the way, not sure if i've already said ^^)
    It's ok I understand that your busy, and it's okie you don't have too I'm feeling not the best atm but when I am feeling a tad better I'll give you the chocolates and shells
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