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  • Oh ok! Thank you for not canceling my order! If you ever need any help with delivering orders or just anything in general, please don’t hesitate to ask!
    Oh my gosh, I hate myself sometimes ugh! I totally completely forgot that I had an order through your shop!! I assume you canceled my order? I feel so bad, I’m so sorry! I’ve just had a lot on my plate recently with summer school and dance so I’ve just had no down time.. i also noticed your shop was closed for the time being (saw the title) so when you reopen I’ll create a new order! So sorry again ;(
    Oh my gosh, I hate myself sometimes ugh! I totally completely forgot that I had an order through your shop!! I assume you canceled my order? I feel so bad, I’m so sorry! I’ve just had a lot on my plate recently with summer school and dance so I’ve just had no down time.. i also noticed your shop was closed for the time being (saw the title) so when you reopen I’ll create a new order! So sorry again ;(
    I should say the same thing, my area is continuously dealing with storms, and luckily my power stayed on, but only the cable went out. lol xP But, alright! Let me know anytime when you are able! :)
    So sorry for not being online yesterday! I kinda got into some trouble as I failed a math test I took yesterday (I’m in summer school to get ahead in math) so I got restricted from using my electronics. If you’re on any time within the next probably 7-8 hours, I should be here!
    No worries! And I understand that you have been busy, but how about tomorrow around 1pm EST would work? I'm possibly will be on by that time, and yes at the moment is quite late, but see you later! :)
    Hello, yes i do want them and i will be available from 10pm to 12am today (in my time GMT +3). Feel free to Pm/Dm. Thanks alot.
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