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  • Oh my goodness! Thank you so SO much for your kind donation! I'm crying right now. ;u; The shop's sold out right now, but I'll be sure to grab one once they restock. Thank you again. <333 I hope I'll be able to return the favor one day!
    Thanks! I felt like having my mayor with Pansage because I think it receives a lot of hate, and is a Pokemon I have really grown to appreciate this year.
    hiiiii do u still want ruby? i'm sorry wasn't able to get on the site until now! <3
    Thank you!

    To be honest, when I first joined I expected to leave almost immediately. I'm really glad I decided to stay. Here's to another great year for us both.
    Ah omg that's awesome! I love stories like that. I'm a firm believer that laughter can bring people together c':
    I know right?? I love that they have plenty of great content to watch or listen to, even just in the background while I work/clean/sleep <3
    Omg I was just watching a compilation today of them playing Super Mario Sunshine, I love them so much.
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