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  • Thanks, but I have nowhere to put him, because my main town is frozen, and supposedly already adopted him there but I don't think it worked. I already had him in my tt'ing town and didn't cycle enough yet. But thanks anyway. :)
    Ok just checking hehe. I hope someone moves out in my town soon ): so I can get her already ):
    We'll be in touch! Let me know when she does plan to move. I'm not much of a time traveller so I'm not sure when will my next villager decide to move...
    Omg thank you thank you so much!!!!! Did you want anything in return? I'm so thankful you are going to reserve her for me. I'm so happy OMG. Thank you thank you!
    Hi! Since you are taking sprinkles in your cycling town... May I ask if you can reserve her for me until I have room in my town? She's my ultimate dreamie and I've been looking everywhere for her... If not then I understand.
    Alright no worries :) .. If you do happen to come across Joey's picture in your daily travels, could you let me know please? :)
    Ohey DaCo.. Could I ask a favour.. If you go through April 1st on the town you have Ruby's Joey in.. Could you get Joey's picture for me, please? .. Don't stress about it, just if youhappen to go past that day :)
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