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  • Sure that's fine just let me know whenever you have him ready and I'll make sure Tammy is all moved out before then. :D
    Haha as soon as I booted up the game again Tammy tells me she's moving on the 28th! So now whenever you're able to move him out should be fine. I'm going to make a post to see if anyone would like Tammy so I won't have to void her.
    Hey Hound00med said you're holding onto Sterling for me since I wasn't online to get him. I'd like to thank you for that, and also I'm in the process of trying to get someone to move since I have 10 and no space. So far Flora has mentioned Tammy wanting to move but she hasn't pinged me yet. When I have someone moving for sure I'll let you know and then can work out how I can pick up Sterling.
    hey are you able to hold blue bear? my bro just came up to me with his DS and isabelle saying clay is leaving tomorrow. im going to start TT-ing blue bear out ;o;
    Felicity's moving in... but like... she absolutely refuses to move next to bam. I was at it for 4 hours yesterday morning to the point where I passed out. It's now 2:36PM here and she's still not moving next to him. I'm at the point where I think I'll just let here move in and cycle her out for Sprinkle, but I kinda want her :T (And who's to say Sprinkle won't do the same thing to me)
    PM me what sets you want out for when you come catalog just in case I have them in storage/my house! I haven't TT'd through winter/spring yet so I'm missing jingle set, etc but besides things from then I should pretty much have it all (about the clothes I don't know but I think Gracie should be selling the Sweets set/ normal fall stuff if you need or want to go into my Super T&T or w/e it's called when you come and get any since I don't think it's re-orderable) in my museum I think I mostly just have gyroids, Gracie clothes, and hats so let me know. Not sure exactly when I will be on this weekend but we'll do it soon whenever we both have time
    And now whilst I grind getting PWPs, I'm trying to find Sprinkle... Felicity or Peanut would be fine too, but Iunno... I kinda really like Sprinkle... I only have one spot left in my town and it calls for a Peppy villager :T
    Can I ask your opinion on something? It's not too important but I mean... I guess to me it is. lol
    Sterling's in boxes :D .. But Punk (the person who wants him) isn't online, and I dunno if I fancy hold him, particularly since you have Tank on hold..

    So if you could take him, I'll let Punk know and then yeah :) .. Just lemme know
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