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  • Felicity's moving in... but like... she absolutely refuses to move next to bam. I was at it for 4 hours yesterday morning to the point where I passed out. It's now 2:36PM here and she's still not moving next to him. I'm at the point where I think I'll just let here move in and cycle her out for Sprinkle, but I kinda want her :T (And who's to say Sprinkle won't do the same thing to me)
    PM me what sets you want out for when you come catalog just in case I have them in storage/my house! I haven't TT'd through winter/spring yet so I'm missing jingle set, etc but besides things from then I should pretty much have it all (about the clothes I don't know but I think Gracie should be selling the Sweets set/ normal fall stuff if you need or want to go into my Super T&T or w/e it's called when you come and get any since I don't think it's re-orderable) in my museum I think I mostly just have gyroids, Gracie clothes, and hats so let me know. Not sure exactly when I will be on this weekend but we'll do it soon whenever we both have time
    And now whilst I grind getting PWPs, I'm trying to find Sprinkle... Felicity or Peanut would be fine too, but Iunno... I kinda really like Sprinkle... I only have one spot left in my town and it calls for a Peppy villager :T
    Can I ask your opinion on something? It's not too important but I mean... I guess to me it is. lol
    Sterling's in boxes :D .. But Punk (the person who wants him) isn't online, and I dunno if I fancy hold him, particularly since you have Tank on hold..

    So if you could take him, I'll let Punk know and then yeah :) .. Just lemme know
    I don't think so :eek: .. I think she prefers just cycling on her second town.. And for now her main town has a complete dream team
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