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  • The tournament has begun!
    You can find the bracket here (x)
    And the original thread here (x)

    Now get smashing! :cool:
    Mhm! And I'm sorry it's complicated. ): What happened, if I may ask? Sorry if I'm being nosey orz
    Nopenope, it's a LDR and we'll be meeting in November/December and that's when we'll play haha.

    Aww, I was looking at the characters and I mostly like the supporting ones :<
    Yeah, I have no idea what happened. We'll have to do split screen, I think? D: Oh well, I'm sure it'll still be fun haha.

    This may be a dumb question... but you can't play support characters on J-Star Victory VS+, right?
    I meant wasn't* an option ^^; /derp - I'll look into it c: My PS3 decided to quit working so I only have a PS2/PS4 now in the Sony family. Ah yeah, I bought J-Star Victory VS+ for my boyfriend! It looked interesting, I plan to play it with him when we meet. Blah split screens, I hate them lol.
    I feel like it'd take me forever to catch up / understand what's going on in Star Wars haha. But if someone sat me down and made me watch one I'd probably enjoy it! I've never been picky.

    I have heard of Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax! Last time I checked though (on Gamestop) there wasn't an option to buy it for the PS4. Is it only for the PS3?
    I just watched the gameplay trailer and it looks hard ; ^;

    Oh, sweet. I hope it's fun! I've never watched/played anything Star Wars related haha. Yeah, The Last of Us is an amazing game (so far imo). It is available on the PS3. :) I have such a long list of games I still need to finish. ): Lots of good games, too. I just get too busy, or find something else to do and never get back to playing.
    I feel you, so have I. How's Destiny? I've been playing The Last of Us Remastered for a good chunk of the day lol. I've never been able to finish the game so I'm determined to! Probably this weekend.
    I swear none of my KOs were even intentional, especially the 2nd one. The last one I did as a last ditch effort but I didn't think it'd actually work. But speaking of which, is people flying up if they climb a ledge that's being sprayed supposed to happen or a glitch? Either way, good games!
    I have to go for a bit because I need to help my mom with something but

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