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  • You're very welcome. :) Yeah, I understand not wanting to think about it too much.

    You're not being a bother at all, I'm happy you VM'd me! I think you're a cool person too. I've been meaning to VM some of the people on my friend's list but I'm shy :< hahaha. And I'm also afraid of being a bother to them.
    Aww ): That's terrible, I'm sorry. I had something similar happen but everything worked out in the end, maybe it will for you too! ; n;
    LOL I actually followed your "visual novel" for quite awhile before I got busy.

    It's hilarious and really creative! :)
    I've seen a few gifs, emotional roller coaster indeed!

    I do a little. I'm slowly learning still. I managed to win a SOTW on here once though c:
    Oh, really? That's not good :< I don't do well with depressing scenes haha.

    I'll add you~! Though my profile is very bare and I have my list private at the moment. I'm attempting to edit it. ^^;
    Ah yeah I've had a few people tell me Gurren Lagan would change my opinion on mecha anime lol.

    So you have a MyAnimeList profile? o:
    Yeah sure, that would be awesome! Let me know whenever you wanna play.
    Sorry, that lag was just horrible. I think I might give my internet a break for now XD Thanks for playing!!! Have you noticed anything I can improve on? Your obviously much better at this than me :lemon:
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