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  • Yes I can actually! I'll let you know when I'm available--I'm in the middle of a transaction with someone right now. :)
    Hi, Zelda-Crossing! I do have some bamboo shoots you can have! Would you like me to visit your town and give them to you? :)
    Do you have an estimation of when that might be? :0 its just that I wouldn't want the both of us to forget since its quite a bit of tbt haha
    Oh I see :( if you want I can pick up 20 of the items and hold onto them for you until you have enough? :0 if thats okay with you of course
    You're fine. I've just never left a bad review and felt bad in doing so, but you really stressed me out in the course of my giveaway and feel as though I had to put those thoughts somewhere, so I wanted you to understand why I felt the need to do so, since unfortunately the review space is so tiny.
    Hey im sorry it was 3 am when you left your first visitor message, im just waking up now ^^' I'll be ready in a bit !! Shouldn't take long
    I'm going to try and save my town first – do what I can to try to make it likeable again, and if not, either borrow my friend's copy, or just transfer everything myself (I realised I would want to transfer bush starts and gardening things as well, and transferring all of that would take ages) It has nothing to do with not trusting you (please don't think that >n< ), it's just, I'm going to try and do what I can.
    Sorry about that :( If there's any time later on, I could possibly be ready. Around 6pm EST, I do the RV giveaway thread. Feel free to drop by then :)
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