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  • Oh okay then I'll only take 100tbt then.
    Also I do have the two bamboo fence ready, I'll give it to you tomorrow.
    Sorry but I can't come right now, it's midnight here.
    Could you resend me the moridb link because I don't remember the list of items I've gotten you.
    Dream Town Critique Part 2

    In Satsuki's house, it doesn't seem like you changed much of the decor, only upstairs there is a random mango. I just wanted to point that out.

    Not much input about Sakura's house. It looks the same from the last time I've been there.

    Hope you enjoyed this critique/review
    Dream Town Critique Part 1

    Just adding on from the other one.

    I love what you did with Chihiro's living room! It's very simple but looks very complete. Poogies are one of my favorite items in game and they are such a cute addition to your garden room. Love what you did with the raccoon figurines. Most people would use mannequins but I like how you strayed from that concept. The wallpaper in the basement of Chihiro's house kind of sticks out a bit but I've definitely seen improvement from the last time I've been there.

    Kiki's living room is also very simple but very nice. Kitchen floor is kinda gaudy but I can feel the royal kitchen vibes from it. The second floor seems unfinished but if it is still WIP, I really like how it's coming along! It's very cozy. The basement is great. I wouldn't change a thing.
    Yeah I'll get them for you for free and also I tried to do the calculation for the items I got you yesterday but I can't access your moridb.
    are you still on? I'll come to your town right now, if I'm missing any items though let me know.
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