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  • Looks like it's your lucky day! I checked and I do have the exotic exterior on my second town! :D
    Just say when you can come, I'll be here for a few hours.
    Dream Town Critique:

    I loved the entrance of the town plaza! Looks very nice. Your paths are very easy to follow and landscaping is simple but I can see you've put a lot of thought into it. Satsuki's house has a nice Asian vibe to it. Really liked her attic in particular. I've found that her right room is a bit empty? If it was intentional, I understand that but it's just something to keep in mind if you're still designing her house. Is Kiki's house supposed to be based off of Kiki's Delivery Service? Looks like it's coming along nicely! Sakura's house has a very nice green aesthetic, apart from her basement. However, it's a little bright and the furniture sticks out a bit compared to the brightness.

    I really enjoyed looking through your town!
    I haven’t yet!! I haven’t had much time to play lately I’ve been so busy at work and my freelance work. I have the afternoon off today though so I’ll check it out!!
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