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  • I can get you off with a start if you like! Maybe like 30-50ish
    X factor the newest version me too! But looks like it just finished! :(
    Could you please get them all to level 32? Except for Buneary, who I'd like to be a level 12 :3

    And no, I don't have any of those hybrids, or any at all :(
    I'm not a very quick cycler and it may take a while to get her out. A few days?
    When they're given are they level 1? Or do you get them to higher levels?
    Hmm Mega Audinos design is pretty good imo.....
    But slowking is a joke!!
    Your new pixels are stunning! :)
    Hello! Regarding your offer of Pokemon for Fauna, I have been looking at your list and I'm interested in Espurr, Togepi, Deerling (particuarly #173), and Buneary.
    Does that seeem fair? :3 I'm pretty new to all this, aha.
    Hey! c:
    Your inbox is full. :)
    But I keep forgetting to get Pokemon, so I'm not available tonight. :c I WILL BE TOMORROW THOIGH >:D
    I can chop all trees!!! And for the fruit and flowers - of course! See you soon :) Feel free to save as often as you'd like - just in case there's any d/c
    Okay! I have you added - and when you say flower paths, do you mean arrange flowers along the paths? :eek: But just show me the trees to chop and I'm on it!
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