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  • IOk, Im working on clearing another spot, I'll buy your hybrids if you're not interested in keeping them.
    I'll open my gates! Look for my cycling town: Nova. I'll be AFK so you can gather Julian yourself ^^
    Okay! Julian is now in boxes. Please tell me whenever you're ready to pick him up
    That's okay! Please take your time! I can always get him in boxes whenever :)
    Nothing is needed! Thanks for offering though. Do you have space for him now?
    I have my gates open! I'll be afk for a bit so no need to wait for me or anything. Just be careful of the flowers and train out when you're finished :)
    Fab, I’ve been looking for Stitches. Though I don’t currently have a free plot. I’ll VM you again when I do, probably in a couple of days. Thanks ^.^
    Hey Kate! I have Julian’s card I could scan for you :) I have to do it later because I’m at school right now.
    Hello! Great to hear from you again! Yes that should be fine! I'll reserve those items, and I'll see you tomorrow or the day after for the items. Thank you again for it all. :) Before it happens, whose town would you like to trade in?
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