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  • Okie dokie! I can exchange for 2 baskets. Where would you prefer the exchange to take place?
    ok thank you! i added you. do u want me to just drop the bells off at the train station when i get there? or do u prefer the retail method?
    right now would be perfect! i'm not looking for much, probably just a stack should suffice ^^.

    edit: can we do this tomorrow or some other time? it's kinda dark :cool:
    hello! if i'm not mistaken, you have the perfect oranges right? if so, i'd love to trade ^^.
    That's okay!!! I actually already have Stitches in my cycling town. I can still trade for the 5m

    I just added your FC, just let me know when your gates are open and I'll be on the way!
    Hihi! It's fine! This weekend I'm away until Sunday. But it will probably be Sunday, Monday or Tuesday! I can't do it today or tomorrow because I have college!
    No worries! I've got to take care of Thanksgiving things as well
    Just message me whenever you're ready :) I'll try to be online at night too, but tomorrow is good too if you can't tomorrow!
    hi! your orders are ready and posted on the shop :)
    and to answer your question, you don't need an add-on to use the animated signature, just to copy the code into the text box (instead of uploading it from your laptop)
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