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  • that's ok I was doing something else too, and yeah you can drop it off, I already added u so let me just open my gates
    There's no specific amount. At least 15 would be nice :) I'm not sure where you can put them, so anywhere that's free(town is still a mess from not being able to play much lately)
    A bunch of random fossils work :) I'm working on my Inktober drawing, so I'll be afk a decent amount of time(and trust you won't do anything?) I have Mabel in my campground if you'd like to visit her. The daily RV is Saharah's I believe?
    I'm ready now, sorry for the late response. I thought my thread got bumped into the second page so I didn't bother to check it lol
    Hello! Just letting you know that I should be able to trade(for the fossils) after 2pm eastern us time today :)
    Now I am, just finished playing another game. If you already added my FC then I can open my gates in a few mins :)
    Which paintings did you want again btw? Need to get them ready
    Damn I had already gone to sleep when you sent this, I think our timezones are making this trade difficult lol. I'll try to stay up late tonight so we can trade
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