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  • Sure! I’ll be available again starting in the later half of this week, so I’ll be sure to stock up on perfect oranges in the meantime.
    Opened up my gate again. The internet cut out, I'm using my phone as a hotspot right now.. that's probably why.
    Oh, okay! Thank you so much! I'm going to get on ACNL now and add your FC. I'll open my gate and send the TBT soon. I'm so sorry it took longer than I thought...
    I'm so sorry that this took way longer than I thought... I'm about to be on and add your FC now. And okay, great! If you can get me a wall mounted TV just let me know!
    About the Kitchen Island... You said 5 tbt for it, but I'll give you 10 tbt, I rarely get on here anymore, so I don't really need tbt as much. Anyway, I should be available all day tomorrow to trade if that's okay :)
    Honestly, the weekends are most suitable for me. Weekdays I get so busy that I never really get a real chance to even look through the forums!
    I'm pretty much around all day on Saturday.
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