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  • My gawd i will get our profiles confused alot. oh yeah ive never spoken to you. Hi im Emma, and this will be hella confusing as i use the name emzy everywhere :p
    Hii, I was just wondering, when exactly is the Freebie Department Store gonna open? c:
    OMGOMGOMG I totally now must recommend Coffee Prince<3 Yuss I know we both love You're Beautiful so yuss you must watch Coffee Prince ugh so similar and both so freaking cute despite that I haven't finished yet haha 8'D Also how are you ;D?
    omg no don't be sorry bby ; A ;;; You're too niceeee
    on another note: almost done with Amara's drawing-- I tried my best to do a neat lineart, but then I remembered I can't do linearts sO
    I'm so slow I'm gomen lllorz
    WHEEE I got Marshal from a kind soul running a free cycling thread! it makes up for all the times I KEEP MISSING BRUCE LIK E GDI
    \( > V < )/ Thanks so much for offering your Marshal though! ;A;
    you're too nice like gosh dang
    also equally weird, but that's okay I like it ;)
    /did nothing to deserve him, but I'll make sure to take you up on the art trade after I finish up my commissions! X)
    Honored? xD I told you I like your art! Especially since I can't pixel or vector > A <
    b-but he's your Marshal ;A; I don't want to take him away from his home DX
    what- commission, I want an art trade huff huff
    You're too kind lllOTL Marshal's like-- top tier dreamie I can't even imagine having him in my town @ q @ /continues to cycle town llorz
    Since I got your payment I'll be sending you the unwatermarked versions for the next two; I'll send you the first one as well! > a <
    Th-Thanks again for the tip (if you can even call it that jfC)
    I wiiiish ;A; virtual shipping of cookies would makes sales so much easier > < uhm- I'm assuming you'll just be dropping the bells? I'll open my gate for you soon :) sorry about the mess of flowers ;A; I'm currently cycling my town, so I tried to collect the flowers in one area > >
    Aw no problem at all! I hope your grandmother feels better :(
    Feel free to take as long as you need; just message me again when you're ready-- I wasn't sure if I was gonna make it either since I had to sell cookies unexpectedly, but I'll be up for a while!
    Aw I think your name is cute! X) I look forward to seeing your art because jehsus it's nice fff it's so light and cute and asldkjlgl;
    ahh then my new account shall be Pterudactyle! I had to incorporate 'Teru' somehow xD What's your username so I can be sure to add you?
    * v *
    Technically I have a deviantart (ika-pan), but I put like-- nothing on it xD Feel free to follow me though! Maybe if I actually know people on there I'd start putting up art more often lllorz

    I might just make a new one, actually llllorz
    Eheh;; I tried to send you a PM, but it looks like your mail storage is full > <
    Here's the watermarked version of Lilith; sorry that the coloring style is a bit different from the contest entry I did-- hopefully you don't mind? D;
    Don't worry! I'm flattered you like my art so much > v < ;; I'm not too focused on getting TBT; I'd rather take IGB or, as someone else is giving me, one of my dreamies, but feel free to PM me what you want commissioned and I'm sure we could work something out! Thanks for the interest \( > 0 < )/
    Ditto. :) He's made so much progress so far. I'm curious about that short movie that he has in the works. Wonder when it'll come out... :O Haha, yeah, they're awkward topics, even if you're adult. XD But, that's just me. Some people are much more comfortable talking about those things. Me? Not so much.
    Yeah, I love David's commentary. When I found out he was also a comedian it made PERFECT sense. His vlogs are great. I swear he makes pretty much anything funny... even if it really shouldn't be. With JK News, have you seen their new channel, Ask the Feels?
    I noticed that you posted on Gracelia's wall asking about if she watches JK News, so thought I'd tell ya myself. :p Yep, I do. It's one of my favorite Youtube channels for sure.
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