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  • Aw thank you! Same to you as well; I appreciate others in the bushes, LMFAO. SOUNDS SO CREEPY. But I do take note of kindness - yey~
    JKnews: pengutango watches it (from what I know anyway) - and she shows me the odd clips every now and then; quite interesting topics they cover. XD
    wahh~ you're very welcome! don't worry about returning one to me, i just sent them out to those whom i appreciate! :"D
    You're pixel chibi is complete. Please click the banner in my signature to get to my shop. Your chibi is on page 12.
    No worries :) I can be extremely patient. Poor turtle has got a HUGE gigantic order from me, and poor Allison's tablet broke and she just got it back after a couple of weeks. I don't mind waiting for art :) I just made my town completely by pixel. You should go check it out! I posted a thread in the museum!
    Soooo sorry bout that! I had gone through all my subscriptions about 1-2 weeks ago and must have either forgot to subscribe or accidentally erased it. Ugh I feel terrible. I never do that!!! I posted a couple of ref pics on the original post. Totally up to you and am in no hurry whatsoever. Just whenever you decide to do it :) thx again so much for letting me know! I feel like such a ditz!
    OMG!!!! I didn't even see it!!! Ugh, I feel like a dumb butt. I thought I subscribed to the thread, but I guess I didn't. I am so sorry I didn't reply when you announced the winners! I wish I had seen it. Thanki you SOOOOO much for telling me! I would LUV ANYTHING by you. Your work is amazing!!!
    Ahh! It's so beautiful and cute! Thank you so much, Emzy. ^^
    I hope you'll host another auction again down the line! I'll def. be joining in :)
    Ok sure lol ^.^ I always like to do in the middle too. Makes life easier, sending tbt now :)
    Oh thank you so much ;o; you didnt have to send yet but I appreciate it ♡

    Were you able to view Lilith then? ^^
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