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  • Oh haha. It just popped out and you mentioned bears in the title and I was like "Danganronpa?" Haha. I pnly just now remembered Kuma is bear in Japanese. XD Good luck though!
    There's no need to thank me, really! c: I think you would have gotten the slot without my help, anyway XD
    Oh, no problem!

    I don't need anything in exchange c: I just saw that you were having a lot of trouble with catching a slot, and decided to help you out :)
    Hey, Buuunii's mini pixel slots are open, and I helped you claim a slot, just in case you can't make it in time c:

    Though, you have to choose between a pixel of your OC or a full town, since Buuunii says she's not allowing orders with both? (at least, that's what I think she meant XP)
    Hello! Sorry I missed your post, hopefully we can meet up soon if you'd still like those azaleas. I get more every day so I should still have some. c:
    No worries, there's no rush! I'm available now if you'd like me to drop your stuff off. :)
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