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  • Hi! I have your 14 White Azaleas, 9 Pink Azaleas, and 1 Silver Axe ready to be delivered; your total is 145 TBT. Let me know when you're able to trade, thanks!
    I agree, even just microwaving dem potatoes is delish ;D
    AMG, always up to 5 am here hahaha xD Yuss I agree, kidnap him and steal the gifts you want 8D
    Nighty night as I need to head to sleepy town in abut 15-20 mins. rip my Persona 3 tonight ;P
    Aww thanks, I certainly will; very excited to celebrate simplistically tomorrow evening<<33
    If I could virtually share my x-mas eve meal I so would lol xD Chicken, steamed Potatoes w/ Butter/Sour Cream/Leeks, Eggnog/Sparkling Cider and other stuffs and of course holiday sweets<(^_^)>Also we're taking a family photo with what appears to be called a Chipin (Min Pin/Chihuahua mix xD) for her adoption home mommy to see<333 Augh she is so adorbs 8D

    Would definitely love to chat more with ya ;D off to bed in an hour or so huhu : )

    Hope you have a super great Christmas and Holidays ;D
    OMGawwwsh not at all 8D I always do try my best huhu<(^_^)><33 *gives a holiday hug ;D* I could also say the same to you<33
    OMG haha I feel silly for my earlier beat-down on myself xD Ahhhh you're too kind<(^_^
    And thanks so much haha, was literally freaked out; it's a bad habit of mine lawl xD (lesson learned- READ THE TEXT ;P)
    Omg have to apologize >>> I am seriously beating myself up over missing the bit about the headshot, I always worry I angered the artist and get so sad. I apologize terribly if that was stupid of me and am very sorry for not going over the text more >: shame on me. I usually confront people just to double check, oh gosh so sorry!

    Edit- Ahaha, well my emotions got the better of me again xD But I really do apologize as it is stupid not to go over all the rules/info written, again very sorry:)
    Emzy, your inbox is full! I wanted to send you a message wondering if you've seen the finished commission of yours!
    Coming now! You're gates arent open ;; maybe try again in the afternoon? It's 7am here and i haven't been asleep yet since i woke up at 5pm. I should be back in the afternoon if you wanna try then? I don't know if you saw this or not yet ;;
    Sorry for replying so long ;n; huge thing on tumblr and busy working!

    But are you free for me to pay now?
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