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  • The hard part is that all villagers currently in my town are dreamies. But if someone, I'll probably let Rudy go. :(
    Well, school starts in exactly one hour (10:30), so I'm going to school in about 40 minutes.
    I'm thinking about taking my 3DS with me to get a villager out, unless I can get someone out now (I'm TTing rn).
    And there's wifi on school, so I'll be available all day. :D
    Nice! :)

    Really?! That means I won't have to ask for Ankha on that other thread, right?! :D
    If, someone isn't lurking for her already, perhaps? :eek:
    It's 221am? sooo exactly what time is that? xD
    Ah, nice! :D
    Oh my, I dunno, Ankha?? :O
    Heheh, I'd like that button exist! ^^
    Aha, is it super early for you both now, then? It's 9:19AM for me, heh. ^^
    Anyways, good luck! :D
    Yeah, I'm on here almost all day (might now always be active, but I'm almost always online.), and that's mainly because I love talking to everyone here, since we're all so nice! :)
    And yes, you're my best friend on here, love ya too! <3
    You know, the person in the other thread that said she'd be keeping Ankha, just said she'd help me pay for Ankha on that thread you just sent me!! :D
    Everyone on here is so nice! Also, thank you for telling me! <3
    That is super interesting. i may consider that this weekend and get back to you. Also, if I draw Korra... I am afraid I will disappoint many fans. I don't think I can do well with that character ._. But I will let you know about the villager turned into chibi version? :D
    Hey! I'll mostly be on for about two more hours. That'd be awesome! :) I really hope so
    Oh I don't think i would be great at villagers, but I can try the korra? What is Korra? XD
    Hello! Wow! Thanks so much! I suck at comissions but if your character seems easy, I could try? haha.
    No worries! I don't want you to feel like you need to rush. =) I'm just so grateful to have a lead on her. I know they don't always cooperate.
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