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  • Thanks so much for the perfect peaches! I should've given you perfect pears in return. xc
    I do! I knew someone would want her, so I didn't void her just yet. I'll see if I can get in touch with Mochi
    I will have to TT to get Rudy in boxes. But I still have Katie with me here, and sorry for asking again, but when can I come? :)
    Orihime-chan gave me Snake in the first place, haha. :) I will try to look for someone else who is looking for Snake.
    Alright, it's just that I feel kinda bad, since I just got him. Well, bought him, from ZebraQueen. >-<
    I'm probs gonna buy a second copy when I get my bursaries (at least that's what google translate told me it was called lol), but I'm not sure if I want to make it a cycle town, or just a regular second town. >-<
    Hahah, another copy just for storage? Yeah nintendo really should add more storage in the game. :p
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