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  • Eventually one of them will be the first, and the posters on the thread who asked before she was in boxes have preference, sorry.
    But since I clearly said in the thread I wouldn't wait not hold for anyone, if 24h go without any response from any of the four lurkers, then you could have her. That's all I can offer without going back on my word...
    Ahhhhh! ilyyyyy!! Tysm(⌒▽⌒)I need to hurry on finding you Snake if you haven't found him already :)
    That's awesome are you able to hold her for a bit if she's in boxes? I have to cycle a villager out it shouldn't take too long usually takes 2 months TT time. & also how much would you like for her? I can pay a reservation fee if you'd like.
    I avoid the Museum like the plague because it is too tempting. Lol. I'm not sure if she is taking commissions. The one in my sig was from quite a few months ago.
    Ah, got it. I'm gonna use that in the future ( ^∇^) and I feel :( I once had a villager (chevre lmao) plot in the same area 5 times straight. I couldn't get her to plot in a good spot. I still have to make the area she's in look pretty (^ω^)
    Seems like he knew what he was doing lmao. Do villagers plot where items are btw? Just curious :3
    ahhh! He's so cute :D I wanted to plot Whitney next to Chief but I didn't think it through exactly and now Whitney is on the complete opposite side. ;; I just wanted to screenshot them together lol
    I sure hope so too. :) I just know I'm gonna have trouble plotting Filbert lmao but it's definitely worth it ^^
    Haha, I agree. She used to be one of my favorite uchis but now Deirdre holds that space in my heart ^^
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