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  • Okay I'm grabbing lunch then I'll transfer the bells to him. This just means you need to find one more dreamie :)
    Alright. Promise to give you that back! :)

    Yeah, it's sad. But Nunbal picked him up though! :D
    Anyways, I'll give him 80 TBT, then what will you have to give? :eek:
    I'll slowly give you back the amount. ^^
    Hey im so sorry I didn't realize paula would be in boxes so soon!! Could I pick her up in maybe 30 mins? It would give me enough time to plot Poppy down :)
    Of course, now Nunbal comes online as well. xD
    Wouldn't surprise me if Makoto came online now as well. >.<
    So he's giving away Beau for free to me now. I gotta get Sprinkle and Curly out today. >-<
    I thank you so much, but... I have no space in my town right now, because I am holding two villagers for another person and already have 7 of my wanted villagers. It would be just too much luck if I get that one "movable" villager out today, sigh :(
    If you could wait that would great, but I don't want to slow you down...
    Besides, there was someone that told me he had Beau in his town about a week ago, and he said I would get him for free when he pings. :)
    Yeah he wasn't for free. I think I'll pass this time. I don't think I'm able to get all 3 last dreamies in one day like this. ;-;
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