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  • Sorry I didn't get to answer the question you asked me earlier. In order of preference I also like these color hybrids: blue (mostly blue violets), pink, and purple.
    Ok please give me a few minutes to order and tt to get the items.:) I'd love to have a few orange roses please. Your town or mine?
    Bucket *in other town
    Spa chair
    Washbasin (the one with the mirrors and faucets)
    Bath mat
    Bathroom sink
    Bathroom stall
    Taurus bathtub
    Stripe bathroom sink
    Super toilet
    Shower stall
    Claw foot tub
    Men's toilet
    Order: Sloppy set, Bottled Ship, and Tteok Plate
    Delivery or Pickup: Delivery
    Total TBT for Order:55tb

    I'm available now. Add me and open your gates and I'll drop the stuff off.
    Aw I love huskies but I live in a very hot state so it would be cruel to keep a dog with a thick coat like huskies and chows have
    waaaaaaaaaaw your town looked amazing and i didnt even go in!!!! so cute! is your town done/dream address updated?:O
    cool! let me know when you're available, i've added you already! if you dont mind, can it be a drop off?
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