Hay Jul 5, 2016 Hello c: I only found 2 gold watering cans, I'm checking my towns now because I swear I had three. My bad c: The price is 40 TBT if there is only 2
Hello c: I only found 2 gold watering cans, I'm checking my towns now because I swear I had three. My bad c: The price is 40 TBT if there is only 2
Hay Jul 5, 2016 Hi c: I saw that you want to buy the 3 gold watering cans c: it's 60 TBT if that's ok with you. Would you like to pick up or have me deliver them?
Hi c: I saw that you want to buy the 3 gold watering cans c: it's 60 TBT if that's ok with you. Would you like to pick up or have me deliver them?
E E eloquenn Jul 5, 2016 Hey! Thanks for responding to the offer. My FC is 4854 - 6865 - 3557 How much would you want for both?
Hey! Thanks for responding to the offer. My FC is 4854 - 6865 - 3557 How much would you want for both?
S S shamisham Jul 5, 2016 If you want Jingle's pic I can deliver it to you for 100k if that sounds fair?
Artistra Jul 5, 2016 Hey Swee, I have a surprise for you :3 do you want me to drop it off or do you want to come get it?
S S Sayomi-san Jul 5, 2016 AH! I found them! They were in an exibhit room! I gotta switch character real quick sorry about that :3
AH! I found them! They were in an exibhit room! I gotta switch character real quick sorry about that :3
S S Sayomi-san Jul 5, 2016 Hello I can open my gates and be ready for trade the only thing is I can not for the life of me find the forest wall and floor, if I do manage to I will let you know so you can knock 4 TBT off for now D: sorry
Hello I can open my gates and be ready for trade the only thing is I can not for the life of me find the forest wall and floor, if I do manage to I will let you know so you can knock 4 TBT off for now D: sorry
S S Sayomi-san Jul 4, 2016 Hi, sorry for the dely, I have to do another trade I was having trouble remembering which character I put the forest floor and wall on D: lol.
Hi, sorry for the dely, I have to do another trade I was having trouble remembering which character I put the forest floor and wall on D: lol.