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  • Hello, darling. It took way longer than I expected for someone to bring me my food, but I'm on my way back home and we can do the sell. I'm sorry for the wait! :(
    Actually don't worry, my brothers daughter bought her game round so i'm gonna pop to her village :) thankyou for you help though! You've really helped :)
    I've actually just had a delivery of Hybrids from a thread over on ACC. If you have everything upgraded in your market area could i come over and do some shopping? Will only take like 5 mins x
    Hi I'm eating right. I'll ok you when I'm ready. In interested in the pink tulips and blue roses if you still have them.
    Hey Sweeny, sorry about the long disappearance. I'm running out to get me some birthday Sonic <3 it's food lolz. When I return, I can do the sell. 150k for the roses. :)
    Do you need any other perfect fruits besides cherries? I think I have 3 of each except for pears. :s I have them all in my storage locker, so when I visit for hybrids, you can just tell me. :)
    No worries! It's always a little awkward ending the trade xD Thanks for the jacob's ladders :3
    I have been ok. Busy, but ok. Glad summer is here...trying to keep the kids busy tho. Lol
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