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  • well 16 cycle for Zucker kept me on pins and needles... but he is back, rearranged my entire villager after that but i'm so happy with it now! I love all my villagers! if only i could get PWPs now...
    omg I know I just nearly adopted from you but I checked your cycling thread and saw Pashmina and... you apparently are super lucky when it comes to finding my dreamies lmao I'm dying
    Hi hi - just to let you know, a friend offered me her Merengue today, so I'll have her soon~ Thank you for being so kind w/ your own though, it was sweet of you :)
    *dead* x______x why would you tease me so?! Lol anywho ehhh lemmi see. I am in dire need of Julian to go on living. Lol umm I would really like for my husband to experience the amazingness of Ankha and Lucky in his town. Orrr Daisy who do you have now?
    Okie dokie! he said to give me one second and he will send you a PM <3 and he is ready, so should be just ten minutes more, I hope that is okay. ^^
    Okie dokie I will, my Fiancé will be the one picking him up however. ^^ his username is PuddingFiend21 I believe. <3 so please don't surprised if you receive a quick PM from him or anything. I'm going to inform him that Drago is ready again and hopefully he will ask to come by soon!
    omg! wait is he still in boxes?? D: let me get my fiancé awake to pick him up if so! <3 please respond as soon as you can omg.
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