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  • You should totally watch Grimm it's great. I love Supernatural but I just don't have the time to stream it and I keep forgetting where I left off. Right now I'm rewatching Inuyasha with my bf even though he falls asleep when we watch it lol.
    Grimm is amazing and I think my favorite (also my 2 fav characters almost died on it -_-) but you can't stream past seasons anywhere and no one watches it with me ;_; so I can't vent on it which is soooo frustrating lol
    Don't get me wrong I love them all. Just some have to beat out others lol I was more invested in the characters in Freakshow I think because I missed Coven when it aired and had to devour it in 2 days when it came on Netflix. I love how they use the same actors it's just a really great series.
    I really loved Murder House and Asylum but Coven and Freakshow weren't scary to me just interesting. I liked Freakshow more than Coven though. I do hope Jessica Lange comes back she said 4 was her last season but she's so wonderful in them.
    Oh of course did I not mention we're DC nerds. Gotham is ridiculously good on a whole different level and The Flash is getting better I'm finally glad that we now know who the Reverse Flash is although I've had the suspicion. Oh and we can't forget about the little DC gem known as Constantine<----a-maz-ing!
    Oh I know but comic books have him and Laurel married but I love Felicity waaaaaay more than Laurel but I think they put Roy in there to fix the "But who does Felicity get" problem although he's a vigilante too so there's way too much and I'm so excited I was like yes his Asian friend brough him back! And I'm loving that Merlyn is getting to be his complete bad self finally, making Thea do awful things and such.
    Also I cannot wait for Suicide Squad because uhm the most beautiful and fantastical actor Jared Leto is the Joker and I'm going to die of anticipation lol.
    maaaaaaan... you don't wanna know, its pretty frickin' eclectic. everything from disney channel, to real housewives, to discovery documentaries... i don't really follow weekly shows because I get invested and then have no time to continue watching it or can't make the weekly time because my schedule changes so much... last series i did try to watch was glee... when it was good
    Ah I know but I was like no prob Lazarus pit he'll be alive shortly but me and my bf are like DC nerds him more than me. I can't wait for Laurel to start kicking butt like in the comics this Laurel sucks -_-
    whoa you are emotionally on another level right now! watch out you might freak out on someone if they cross you lol
    WOOHOO insomnia! ya know, roaming the threads tryna cycle some villagers, the usual.... i'm about to eat some chocolate cake at 1 in the morning...
    Oh man sorry not now because now I'm at work and is busy so after I get home ok?
    your pm inbox is full, i think! ; A ; but OMG i'm so glad you like it!!!!!!!!!! concerning the border, is this any better?
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