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  • I originally tried to use that image but I couldn't make it transparent because part of the background was sticking out around the border and it looked really bad. Usually when you make a banner, you need a transparent render and I was having trouble working with that one. I'm sorry it didn't turn out as you hoped, you don't have to pay full price if you don't want to. :)
    YouTube is a great place to get sidetracked. I do it all the time when I'm on here waiting on someone.
    Ready now. I have a lot more than 57 white roses now. Have them sectioned off on my beach, with a whole lot of red roses too.
    Oooo crap, I don't have them in my mule. I only have 10 MEOW on my main. Is that enough for anything at all?
    I have a question before I go in! (since I've never done this before). Do I have to have bells to get his stuff? If so, around how much? I'm going with my mule who does not have much in his pocket. Btw, I already added, and I'm waiting for the gates!
    Your banner is finished!
    Let me know if you want any small adjustments or something fixed. :)
    Hi, I'm working on your graphic now and there's a couple of things I needed to ask you. Would you like a quote? And if so, what kind of font? Also, I'm assuming the banner is for your sig on TBT, so is 715x250 ok? Thanks!
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