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  • Whoaaaa :eek: Ahhh thank you so much. I must gift you, because I can't accept one of my dream is for freee
    Awesome! What would you like as payment though, so I can be prepared when you're ready. :)
    Hey lovey Victoria is all in and will be ready to go whenever you guys are ready OK I will be here until 5 o'clock central standard time it's 210 right now if that gives you heads up on what time it is here. I will be back tonight around 11 PM when I get off work as well OK?
    I can do that! I'll be home all day tomorrow u til I go into work at 5. :) hey! I still had your guys in town as well.
    okay~ i was watching a movie with parents and now im getting ready for bed. im est so I usually am around maybe 12-7pm.
    I do, tiers 3-5 i dont charge for.. and last time i checked they were still doing amiibo were 30tbt so I'd charge 25 for Juli.
    Haha, Lottie bun twins! XD Thank you so much, I'll leave you a wi-fi rating c:
    Ok I will message you as soon as I'm ready which may be over 2 weeks since I'm not a huge fan of time travelling.
    Yes you can however it may be a while since I have more requests. You are 3rd on my list. Who would you prefer to get first?
    I'm sorry I missed your post! ; v ; I will still buy the set if you are still offering~
    Hey you messaged for Victoria and Julian I have them both who would you prefer?
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