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  • Yeah it's so tough. So you're not gonna keep the squirrels then, since you're not satisfied? Man, if only there were more than 10 villagers in a town. :(
    Hooooopppeeefully they will add more spots in the update. But I doubt it.
    Hahah aw, what's up with Mint? She must've hit her head. Everyone would want to live in the same town as you! ^o^
    I'm actually thinking about totally destroying my first town. Just restart it and make a cycling town. :/
    I don't know. The only villagers I truly truly love are Genji and Marshal... And I'm not too happy with how it's turned out, either.
    Like, even though I started this new town just 5 days ago, I'm more happy with it. It's got a theme, I've got all my amazing deers that I know I want to keep... but in my main town... I honestly wouldn't care too much if anyone except Marshal or Genji moved. :(
    That's what stopping me, too. I don't want to lose those two. I love them so much, I want to keep them.
    Hahah, it's okay! ^^
    I might get some saplings first though, but since you're getting coffee now, it shouldn't be a problem. :p
    Still around? I just got Poppy in boxes if you still need her :) sorry for the wait!

    Edit: I feel really stupid, but I completely forgot that I had Poppy in boxes and I kept time traveling like a dope :( lack of sleep will do that I suppose..
    Yeah, Genji is a sweetheart. He's my favorite villager of all time ♥
    Yep! I'll just boot up my second game. :)
    yeah i'm still looking for him but yay you have room! ill add you now!
    It's going very well! I've got looooots of hybrids (bought too many, my locker's full :p), and I only have the golden axe. I will get the other golden tools eventually, but I also want the silver axe. It's a must, for the beautiful stumps. ;)
    I just bought 10.000.000 IGB for 50TBT yesterday, so that's also going fairly well! :D
    And finally I can start LANDSCAPING! ❤️
    Yeah!! Thank you so much!! :D
    You were also done with your squirrel town, right?
    In any case, HOORAY FOR US!! :D
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