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  • v_v such is life. I guess if anything I can look at other nice villagers, but I really liked Molly. Btw im going into another league game so I might not be available for 30~ mins
    no problem! omg I accidentally time traveled Molly into boxes while plotting Maple im so sad T_T
    Ahh!! You're the sweetest! Would you like anything in return?? Any items or anything? I don't care about originality. I just want that cutie pie back in my town. Thanks again!
    Ohhh they're such a cute pair! Yes you can have her :) Im in a league game right now but ill contact you afterwards and add your code~
    Yesss! Got my hands on Bruce! Sam gave him to me! ♥
    Only Lopez left now! :D
    Great! :)

    Yeah, me too. It feels great, I'm very happy with it. I've already gotten myself tons of hybrids, so when every starter has moved out, and the last two deers in, I'll start to design the town. When I'm done, I'll make a dream address of it! :D
    Hahah aw. I'm sure it'll be fine in the end! ^_^
    I never plot reset, I'm not even sure how you do it, lmao.

    Indeed! I'm also super happy! Only Bruce and Lopez left, and they shouldn't be too hard to get. :)
    ahh, okay! and a squirrel town, nice!
    I'm good! you? and I'll be on the lookout for Cally! :)
    Yoo! Misty helped me out with Diana! She found her on reddit for sale, and traded her Whitney, to get Diana for me! Isn't that seriously the nicest?!
    So now I've only got Lopez and Bruce left, and they shouldn't be hard at all! ♥

    Aw man! Caroline, stop being naughty! >< :p
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