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  • We're going to Ikea now, and there's a gamestop nearby, so I'll get my second copy of animal crossing now! :D
    Also, how does the game/system know that I have two copies anyway? Like, how does it work?
    Oh thats good to know you found a way to get Gayle in your town :D
    and no problem if you ever need help I can try and help :)
    Oooooh, whaaaat that message "gates open to bolin"... I didn't see it before now!
    I have to find a famous fotograph each week, and write a little about him, and also about his most famous work. It's super annoying. ><
    When can I get Coco? :)
    I'm doing homework rn, and I'll leave for school in about 2 hours, so no hurry. :p
    Oh... Coco hmmm? :rolleyes:
    Wait, are you able to trade online with the new update? :eek: That'd be so great!
    Kevinnn let me in to get Beau, but when I talked to the guy he was just happy and hoped we would meet again. So yeah I have to cycle to get him. But I won't bother to do that, I'll get Beau in my second town instead. :)
    server is still undergoing maintenance ;-; I hope it comes back soon! I don't want Gayle to be so lonely ヽ( ≧ω≦)ノ
    I think the servers are still under maintenance. we'll be able to trade when servers are back up :3 (if they aren't already (´∀`) )
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