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  • I do ! <3
    I can take her now but she won't move in until the person who reserved Chief adopts him and I TT
    sadly, I don't have space to hold any more villagers :( I definitely would if I could! Do people still use the Hold my Villager thread in the VTP, lmao? If so, maybe someone could help! :) i'll pay them to help (`∇´) haha
    Ahh that's okay! I completely understand, I've done that before. I'm looking for Erik, Lolly, Flip, Freya, Tammy and Benjamin!
    Oh, he asked me if I wanted Stitches earlier, hehe. He's so nice, giving him away for free! :)
    Also gratz on the little cutie!! :D
    Yeah I dunno, it was a thread about him, about what you personally think about him. That thread made me realize he's super cute, and I want him. :eek:
    It was actually my internet. My internet isn't very strong, and easily crashes, so it wasn't too much of a surprise. :/
    I was just about to head to bed, but if she answers, we'll try one more time. :)
    Otherwise I'll get him when I wake up. ^^
    I was just about to leave Leia's town (I picked up Pietro), when her connection was lost. :(
    I wanted Pietro. :(
    Just vm me when ur ready! <3 I'm plot resetting atm so hopefully
    I'm done by then xD
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