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  • Aw, you want Mint now I see?
    If I knew that yesterday, I would've taken her in from the campsite. :(
    Are you sure? Thanks for all your patience!!! Yeah when I lost mint I was heartbroken and then just agreed to move on from the squirrels but I miss them and got a digital copy for a good price so I'm going to make a town of them again:)
    Yay :) I'll just leave the town open for you if that's okay, I'll be away but I'll check back here in case it errors or anything
    Going to hang on to him for a couple more hours, maybe longer as I've got a few things to do :) if you still want him later on I'll just get on and leave the town open for you
    And I'm just waking up, haha :) if you're around within the hour o could just leave the town open for you to grab him if you wanted? :)
    I have a fairytale themed town! Thinking of O should get Sterling or not tbh :) I hope you get your squirrels back!
    Thank you! I'm so close to getting my dream town. I got Wolfgang instead of Chief and that's ok :) I just need a wolf. You're so sweet!
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