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  • It's alright ^^ I was pretty busy these past few weeks anyways! I can trade later tonight if you'll be on!
    Hi! I don't think we ever did that trade for your art order 7 months ago! I remember talking to you around Halloween but I don't remember actually meeting up or doing the trade itself ;w; I apologize if we did and I just have bad memory. I still have you marked as unpaid in my shop and my word doc I keep, so I thought I'd check.
    This is your original order. I don't really need any of those items anymore but feel free to have a look at this wishlist and this one. My base price for the chibi that you ordered is 1m, and reduced to 500k with 10+ wishlist items. Let me know when you're usually available ^^

    erm... then who is the anon? o_O

    Maybe try logging in? Forum has people as an anon even if chat's off...
    because it's weird having an anon...

    and I'm always suspicious of anons... >_<

    makes me wonder who they are... and I can't check so... erm... yeah... lmfao
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